Sunday, November 1, 2009

Manila Observations

Filipinos eat with a fork and spoon, using a spoon turned to pull apart their food. They use lime, chilis, soy sauce, and vinegar to season foods; as well as salt and pepper.

Everyone is very courteous when they speak. Proper salutations, using ma'am and sir are always used, especially when speaking to Westerners.

It is generally very loud in Manila, with the traffic, honking, music playing, people talking, etc. Even in the office, people are rather loud in their cubicles, in the hall ways, and in the elevators.

Everytime I see a white man with a Filipino woman, I can't help but wonder if he bought her as his date or bride.

I can't buy shoes here, as they don't sell over a size 8 US.

The people here carry around towels, wash rags, or handkerchiefs to wipe their brows. Nice to see that they think that it is hot, too.

I am tall here; taller than most men and women. I feel gigantic!

Many words here are Spanish-influenced. Some that I noticed are pwede (puede), chaleco, pollo, maldito, pwerta (puerta).

Western music is common - Miley Cirus is currently #2 in the top 20. Also, Black Eyed Peas, Mariah Carey, and Taylor Swift are commonly heard.

Manila really reminds me of Lima, Peru, with the buildings, selling single cigarettes, the jeepneys (like the combis in Lima), and the complete disregard for traffic laws.

Malls are everywhere! It seems that Manila has taken to grouping everything in malls. Grocery stores are in malls, and it seems to be the main shopping. I have yet to see any free-standing stores. There are 6 malls all grouped by my hotel (Glorietta 1-5, and Greenbelt). It seems that shopping is a favorite activity here.